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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Deburring/Double-Sided Grinding

Deburring & Double-Sided Grinding & Precision Grinding

We offer professional deburring, double-sided grinding, and precision grinding services to ensure your products meet the highest quality standards. Our service offerings include:

  • Deburring: Utilizing advanced deburring equipment to thoroughly remove burrs from product surfaces, enhancing appearance and feel.
  • Double-Sided Grinding: Employing high-precision double-sided grinding techniques to simultaneously process both surfaces of the product, ensuring flatness and uniformity. We can handle products with a diameter of 20mm-180mm, a thickness tolerance of ±0.06mm, and a parallelism of less than 0.1mm.
  • Precision Grinding: Through fine grinding, we improve the smoothness and precision of product surfaces, meeting the strict requirements of our customers.

Our team has extensive experience and expertise, enabling us to provide customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients, ensuring every detail is meticulously handled.