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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

Powder Coating and Baking

Powder Coating and Liquid Coating Surface Treatment Services

Powder Coating

  • Environmentally Friendly and Efficient: Utilizes solvent-free powder coatings, which are environmentally friendly with no harmful emissions.
  • High Durability: Coatings offer excellent impact resistance, wear resistance, and corrosion protection.
  • Versatile Options: Offers a variety of colors and textures to achieve diverse decorative effects.

Liquid Coating

  • Precision Craftsmanship: Suitable for high-precision, high-gloss, and special effect surface treatments.
  • Flexible Application: Applicable to parts of various shapes and materials, especially suitable for complex structures.
  • Rich Colors: Can mix a variety of colors according to customer needs, achieving personalized designs.

Ensuring Superior Coating Results with Expert Quality Control

Our technical team possesses extensive experience and expertise, ensuring that each workpiece undergoes strict quality control to achieve the best coating results. Whether it’s powder coating or liquid coating, we can provide customized solutions based on your specific needs, ensuring that your products have long-lasting beauty and superior protection.